WorkshopsTuesday, November 19th | 3 pm to 5 pm
Themes of the 5 workshops:These workshops will be held in French. Workshop 1>> Writing a Data Management Plan (DMP): feedback, good practices, tools and support services to guide research teamsModerators: Romain FERET (Université de Lille), Yvette LAFOSSE (CNRS), Kenneth MAUSSANG (Université de Montpellier) et Véronique STOLL (Observatoire de Paris) Abstract In its generic call for projects 2019, the ANR introduced the obligation (for any funded research project) to produce a data management plan (DMP) as a 6-month deliverable, which is to be updated regularly during the project. As a result, the DMP is becoming an essential project management tool for research teams, even for those in communities with less experience in this field. This important change in the daily practices of researchers calls for support in the drafting of DMPs, with potentially particular attention to be paid to the disciplinary fields where good data management practices have not reached maturity. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Workshop 2
>> Making data repositories FAIR
Moderators: Pascal AVENTURIER (IRD), Pascal BONNET (CIRAD); Jean-Christophe DESCONNETS (IRD), Dimitri SZABO (Inra); Geneviève MICHAUD (Science Po) Abstract This workshop will provide an overview of FAIR principles and the stakes involved in the construction of repositories delivering FAIR compliant data. In a second phase, it will focus on discussions on how to conduct and improve the "FAIRisation" of data to be stored in such repositories. These exchanges will be supplemented by presentations of ongoing work in the construction of institutional or disciplinary repositories. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Workshop 3>> How to build a community around data? What about yours?
Moderator: Françoise GENOVA (CNRS, RDA) Abstract The workshop will include a short presentation of how the international community working on scientific data is structured in the Research Data Alliance (RDA -, and will focus on a discussion with participants on how their community is or could be structured. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Workshop 4>> Legal aspects of data management and sharing
Moderators: Romain BOISTEL (ENPC), Frédérique BORDIGNON (ENPC), Lionel MAUREL (CNRS) Abstract The workshop will address legal issues related to the management and sharing of research data (intellectual property, reuse of public data, protection of personal data, etc.). ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Workshop 5>> Software and Open Science: Challenges and Opportunities
Moderators: Mélanie CLEMENT-FONTAINE (UVSQ Paris Saclay) ; Roberto DI COSMO (On leave at Inria), Patrick MOREAU (CNRS) ; François PELLEGRINI (Université de Bordeaux) Abstract Software plays multiple roles in research: it is a driver (as a tool), an output (as proof of an existing solution) and an object of study (as an artifact).
The purpose of this workshop is to take stock of the existing situation for each of those issues, to share initial considerations resulting from the work of the SPSO "free software" project group, and to outline an action programme.
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