
Monday, November 18th

  • Conference opening
    Frédéric DARDEL, Special advisor to the Minister of higher education, research and innovation, MESRI  


  • The role of Open Science in research universities
    Jean CHAMBAZ - President, "Sorbonne Université"


  • Open Science not that simple? ... but on the ground it works!
    Marin DACOS, Open Science Advisor to DGRI, MESRI

    The National Open Science Plan announced by Frédérique Vidal on July 4th, 2018 made open access mandatory for publications and research data produced by projects funded by public research grants. The plan set up an Open Science Committee in support to major landscape structuring initiatives for publications and data. These also include skill development and international components which are essential to mobilize the scientific communities and have France play a role in this emerging landscape. One year after its publication, how is the French national plan for open science moving forward?


  • Open Science: One or Many? A Comparative approach to Open Science policies and achievements at European and international level
    Marc VANHOLSBEECK, Chair of the standing committee on open science and innovation of the ERAC, Open Science monitoring officer, Ministry of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation


  • Nine Routes Towards Plans S Compliance
    Jeroen BOSMAN, scholarly communication specialist and faculty liaison for the Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University Library et Bianca KRAMER, librarian for life sciences and medicine, Utrecht University Library

    Plan S provides a framework for funder policies in a complex transition, with many parties involved and covering many aspects of scholarly publishing. This presentation will provide guidance helping you understand the differences between the various routes towards Plan S compliance.  It depicts the landscape of options available to researchers, funders, publishers and institutions and the roles they can take. It will also highlight publishing options and practices together with compliance in various academic disciplines.


  • Travelling the Open Road
    Paul AYRIS, Pro-vice-provost University College London Library services

    This presentation will look at the work UCL (University College London) is doing to take a lead across Europe in introducing Open Science principles and practice. The first part of the presentation will describe the changes UCL has introduced to deliver Open Science infrastructure and outputs. The paper will then look at Rewards and Research Evaluation as key components which support the change in culture that Open Science requires. The focus of this section will be on UCL’s commitment to DORA and the first fruits of its implementation in UCL, in the new Academic Promotions Framework. The final part of the presentation will build on this and look at current and future planned activity, and the challenges of introducing culture change across the University. The paper will conclude by analysing the planned creation of a virtual UCL Open Science Office to co-ordinate developments across the University.      


  • Roundtable  - "How to make research evaluation evolve in the age of open science?"

Moderator | Martina KNOOP,Open Science Policy Officer, CNRS Institute of Physics, co-pilot of the "College Publications" of the Open Science Committee, MESRI

  • Christine CHERBUT, Deputy Director General for Scientific Affairs, Inra
  • Olivier COUTARD, President, "Conférence des Présidents de section du Comité National" (CPCN), CNRS
  • Michel COSNARD, President, HCERES
  • Nathalie DRACH-TEMAM, Vice President for Research, Sorbonne Université
  • Bernard RENTIER, First Vice-President of the Federal Council for Science Policy of the Belgian Federal Government (CFPS), Honorary Rector of the Université de Liège

Prestige and impact factors of journals, long list of publications , position in the list of authors, the "Publish or Perish" has long dominated evaluation discussions. Today, almost all research organizations and universities have signed the San Francisco Declaration (DORA) recommending reducing the weight of indicators to put scientific content back in the spotlight. In this context, how can the opening up of scholarly communication influence evaluation? What are the challenges and critical points for such a paradigm shift?


  • CNRS' Open Science roadmap
    Antoine PETIT, Chairman and CEO, CNRS


Tuesday, November 19th




  • Research Data: Where do our communities stand?
    Lessons learned from the ANR Flash call
    Introduction - Zoé ANCION,Open science project manager, ANR
    , Information director, Medical Research Council


In spring 2019, the National Research Agency (ANR) launched an "Open Science Flash Call: Research Practices and Open Data". It is part of the National Open Science Plan and is part of the ANR's open science policy. The Vice-President of the Evaluation Committee will summarize the framework of this innovative call, and its objectives. Then the presentation will focus on a first analysis of the responses received and what they can tell us about the open data landscape in France. In conclusion, the presentation will draw possible parallels with the situation in the United Kingdom, and identify priorities for future action.




  • Diversity needs coordination: the European way in the global context of open scholarly communication
    Pierre MOUNIER, Deputy director OpenEdition, EHESS and
    Vanessa PROUDMAN, President executive committee SCOSS, Director SPARC Europe

    The scholarly communication community needs to call for an open sustainable infrastructure that is community-owned, and reflects our academic values of openess. It must be open and free from any vendor lock-in, from a situation where the academy becomes dependent on a suite of products that will in turn depend from an indispensable infrastructure, often built by the academy in the first place. For this to actually work and offer a viable and sustainable solution, we need to develop an interconnected rich and diverse ecosystem of open infrastructures upon which many flowers can bloom, that is, where a wealth of for- profit and not-for-profit services can be built. But this needs a special coordination effort, considering the diversity of national contexts and the variety of stakeholders concerned. In this context, France is paving the way with its consistent national-level strategy and a strong will to coordinate efforts with others in Europe and globally.




  • Academy-owned not-for-profit scholarly publishing: an approach to achieve inclusive and sustainable scholarly sommunication
    Arianna BECERRIL, President Ameli, AmeliCA, Professor, Universidad de Mexico

    The prevailing science communication system has achieved little success in making science a global, participatory and equitable conversation. At the same time, a very robust ecosystem of science communication has been built in the Latin-American region, one that is intrinsically open, non-commercial and academy-owned. However, this “regional” approach has remained outside the legitimated channels of scholarly communication.
    AmeliCA’s and Redalyc’s approach is based on the fact that scholarly communication in control of the academy is a strategy much healthier and sustainable for the development of science and society. Why is it that commercial publishers have a pivotal role in science communication – in many parts of the world – while the biggest part of activities concerning the generation of knowledge is in the academy?
    So, it is strategic for the research community and libraries to join forces in order to share and connect individual efforts to build a cooperative infrastructure that ensures that publishing is led by the scholarly community and its openness is  sustainable, and to work together to redesign research assessment in order to give the non-profit academy-owned scholarly communications its place. All this can be leveraged by technology to find more effective methods for scholarly communication and the deployment of the knowledge generated in different regions, disciplinary fields or languages.




  • Open Science, Time for action (again)Eva MENDEZ, President OSPP (Open Science Policy Platform), Deputy Vice President, Universidad Carlos III of Madrid and
    Jean-François ABRAMATIC,  EOSC Expert (European Open Science Cloud), Inria

    Eva Mendez' talk will underline the importance of Open Science in the European Context. It will review the work done by the OSPP (European Open Science Policy Platform), and point to the urgent need for Practical Commitments for Implementation (PCIs) by different stakeholders but also for aligning Member States policies and individual behaviours. Once again, the presentation will underline the crucial challenges that we need to take up with a realistic perspective in mind, from Plan S to research infrastructures, research assessment and FAIR data.
    Jean-François Abramatic's talk will address the new challenges facing the deployment of Open Science in Europe.The emergence of digital technologies have changed and will continue to change the way research is done all over the world. While scientists used to exchange knowledge through publications (the Gutenberg way), they may now exchange knowledge by sharing publications, data and software (the Berners-Lee way). While the potential of this new way to do research is beyond doubt, its deployment faces very serious challenges. This contribution will focus on open data and open software with emphasis on what is done at the European level. Ahead of the rest of the world, Europe has recognized the importance of this evolution since 2015. In November 2018, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative has been officially launched in Vienna. We will discuss the progress of EOSC and the challenges ahead of us.




National Strategy for Open Science in Switzerland
Patrick FURRER, coordinator - National program "Scientific Information", Swiss Universities

After establishing a national Open Access strategy in 2018, key players in Swiss science are currently working on extending this strategy to Open Science, with a particular focus on open research data. More specifically, this strategy strives to strike an optimal balance between the openness of data (mainly supported by research funders and certain types of higher education institutions, as well as certain specific scientific disciplines) on the one hand, and the more pragmatic approach that leads to supporting the FAIR characteristics of data on the other. The dialogue between science and society is strengthened by this strategy, through exploratory activities in the fields of citizen science, open educational resources, and open innovation. The strategy will cover the period 2021-2028, and will be supplemented in June 2020 by an action plan for the years 2021-2024.




  • Closing Keynote - Will we have to wait another 30 years?
    Olivier LE GALL,  President "Conseil Français de l'Intégrité Scientifique", HCERES, Inra


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